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Second Quarter 2021 Review – Inflation on the March

Equity markets continued their strong march upward in the second quarter, though leadership among sectors and asset classes shifted somewhat as investors grappled with conflicting data on the pace of economic recovery, as well as mixed signals on monetary policy from the Federal Reserve. Nevertheless, every asset class in client portfolios once again notched positive returns for the quarter (...)

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Third Quarter 2020 – All in the FAAAM-ily

Global markets continued their recovery in the third quarter, albeit at a more measured pace than the second quarter. Once again, every major asset class notched positive returns, with stocks from Emerging Markets and Natural Resources leading the way. On the bond side, we note the excellent returns from US TIPS over the past 12 months, supported by lower interest rates and a change in inflation expectations. Finally, the other assets category performed well with average returns exceeding U.S. bonds' but lagging equities' overall.

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